Embracing Pastels

Pastels are associated with early spring, a time when Easter rapidly approaches and nature blooms its nascent tints — pale pink cherry blossoms, light purple violets, soft pink magnolias and faint spring green buds. Since adapting to our environment is human nature, we naturally harmonize wardrobe to pastels at this time when we, too, are going through our own post-winter rebirth. After all, nothing says SPRING! like a drawer full of Easter egg-colored cardigans. Here are 5 tips on how best to integrate pastels into this season’s rotation:

  1. Step One
    OK, I’m just gonna say it — pastels get a bad rap for being wimpy. Not so! The light, soft hues are anything but. They are in fact exciting and dramatic in their own right. Think Jackie Kennedy’s 1962 visit to India and her smashing, news-making wardrobe. From orange sherbet to baby blue to pale yellow to icy green, her head-to-toe pastel looks are so iconic even JLo took a page from the chic playbook. It’s time you, too, embrace pastels!

  2. Magnificent Mint
    Many consider pastels elusive and difficult to work with. Once again, not so! Taking cues from your coloring is the secret to integrating pastels into wardrobe. For warm undertones, choose pale yellow, light pink and peach to harmonize with tawny complexions. Conversely, cool undertones match best to icy blues and light lavenders. And for those in doubt, play it safe by picking universally-flattering mint green. It looks great on everyone!

  3. Never-fail neutrals
    Consider pairing pastels with neutrals to make the pastel appear the bolder of the two. Mix with taupe, tan and medium gray for soft, gentle pairings, or chocolate brown and navy blue for higher-contrast looks that deliver more punch.

  4. Go for pop
    To amp things up, add a pop of color to your pastels. Try a purse, shoes or pashmina or silk scarf in the bright version of your pastel to create an analogous color story — light lavender with a pop of purple; pastel mint with a pop of emerald; or pale pink with a pop of hot pink or red. A complementary color pairing will stay on theme and elevate the look at once.

  5. After 60
    While aging is a natural process, embracing it can feel not-so-natural — especially when it comes to physical appearance. As we mature pigmentation diminishes making our key features — skin, hair, eyes — soften, reducing our overall color contrast and intensity. Many wear stronger colors to compensate, but that only makes the complexion appear drab in comparison. It’s much better to lighten your color palette as you age, which is where pastels can help. While it seems counter-intuitive, light colors can give your appearance the oomph it needs after age 60 so embrace them!

See BestLifeOnline.com press feature here.

Elizabeth Kosich Styling